Packed house for NDMS WIN Theater's performance of A Fairy Tale Christmas Carol. We welcomed students from North DeSoto Upper Elementary and theater students from North DeSoto High School this morning for this morning's performance.
6 months ago, Renee Catlin
Screaming CONGRATULATIONS to NDMS teacher, Mrs. Stephanie Mason, being awarded the STEM Teacher Award today while participating at NSU for the Fall 2023 Competition and Smart Structures Show Wednesday. It's a great day to be a Griffin! #NDMSRobotics #GriffinPride #GriffinStrong
6 months ago, Renee Catlin
Wishing NDMS Robotics team GOOD LUCK as they compete in the Fall 2023 Competition and Smart Structures Show this morning. It's a great day to be a Griffin! #TheDeSotoDifference #NDMSGriffinRobotics #GriffinPride #GriffinStrong
6 months ago, Renee Catlin
NDMS Boys' Track Tryouts will be on December 7th until 4:45 PM with makeups being on December 13th until 4:30 PM. Girls' Track Tryouts will be on December 12th until 4:45 PM with makeups being on December 13th until 4:30 PM. Please use the Google form to sign up for track tryouts. Please be sure to have a physical already turned in. You will not be able to try out without a physical.
6 months ago, Renee Catlin
NDMS boys interested in playing baseball, tryouts will be Wednesday.
6 months ago, Renee Catlin
NDMS family, friends, and fans...Hurry, don't wait! Get the 2023 NDMS UNDEFEATED football T-shirt, available only a limited time. Store closes Monday, December 4 at 11:59 PM.
6 months ago, Renee Catlin
Congratulations to NDMS's own Sydney! She performed at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, Oklahoma over Thanksgiving Break. She was able to twirl at the halftime show alongside twirlers from across the country. Way to go, Sydney! It's a great day to be a Griffin!
6 months ago, Renee Catlin
It’s election day! Voters in North DeSoto (District no. 2) can make their voices heard on a capital improvement bond proposal aimed at providing a modern learning environment with small class sizes, future focused programming, and space to accommodate the anticipated growth in the area. Learn more about the proposal and make an informed decision at the polls!
6 months ago, North DeSoto Bond
Bond Logo
Shout out to NDMS cheerleaders for helping with North DeSoto Upper Elementary incentive day. It's a great day to be a Middle Griffin! #TheDeSotoDifference #GriffinsServe #GriffinsLead #GriffinFamily #GriffinPride
6 months ago, Renee Catlin
Shout out to NDMS's Mrs. Saverino and Mrs. Allen for participating in DPSB's Operation LEAD. You are #TheDeSotoDifference!
6 months ago, Renee Catlin
Good luck, Middle Griffins, taking on the Stallions of CMM tonight. 6th/7th grade currently playing with 8th grade to follow.
6 months ago, Renee Catlin
Shout out to Mrs. Lowe's theater WIN students supporting their fellow cast members, Kha'Mella and Kennedi, by attending tonight's game against the Lady Wolverines of MMS. These talented Griffins are putting on Fairy Tale Christmas Carol, November 30 and December 2.
6 months ago, Renee Catlin
Voting by mail in the election for North DeSoto (District no. 2)? The deadline for mail ballots to be received is tomorrow (November 17). Election Day is November 18!
6 months ago, North DeSoto Bond
Election Day is Saturday, November 18
While the Bond funds are largely focused on a new high school facility, the impact would be felt across all North DeSoto schools. High school students would have a future-focused learning environment, middle school students would have amazing lab and career spaces by moving into the current high school, elementary students would see smaller class sizes and get more one-on-one time with teachers, and the three- and four-year-old PreK programs would be able to accommodate more young learners instead of having a waitlist.
6 months ago, North DeSoto Bond
Fact sheet page 1
Fact sheet page 2
There have been reports of a few inaccurate statements and resources circulating about the bond plan. If you would like more information or to check the accuracy of what you are seeing on social media, feel free to reach out to or Superintendent Corley as the district is required to provide only factual information. Visit the bond website and be sure to cast an informed vote!
6 months ago, North DeSoto Bond
7th graders are learning the major body systems and their functions. Students are researching different diseases and are comparing how those diseases affect molecules delivered to cells for proper function. It's a great day in NDMS science! #TheDeSotoDifference
6 months ago, Renee Catlin
Congratulations North DeSoto Middle School, an 'A' rated school. It's a great day to be a Middle Griffin! #GriffinPride #GriffinStrong #TheDeSotoDifference
6 months ago, Renee Catlin
How are current spaces impacting the school day? The communities served by North DeSoto schools have seen tremendous growth in recent years. The current North DeSoto Lower Elementary facility originally served grades K-6 and now houses preK-1. North DeSoto Upper Elementary has grown from four classes per grade level to ten. We are proud to serve every student in our schools, but we are simply running out of space. Hallways are crowded, we struggle to accommodate activities, and class sizes are higher than the rest of the parish due to space constraints. The bond proposal proposes a new high school facility, giving the capacity to reconfigure current spaces to meet the needs of the growing community. Watch the videos for a closer look:
6 months ago, North DeSoto Bond
YouTube view
A special shout out for these two Griffins, Khloe and Madi, also Shreveport Cabosa soccer players, that played this weekend in Tyler, TX bringing home the championship. Way to go, Lady Griffins!
6 months ago, Renee Catlin
NDMS students interested in joining the ND Fishing Team stop by the school office during your lunch time.
6 months ago, Renee Catlin