Today is National SRO Day, and we would like to recognize Deputy Freeman! She spends her days not only keeping us safe, but personally investing in the students, faculty, and staff here at NDUE! We are not only proud to have her as an SRO, but as a friend! Thank you!
Our Annual Griffin 5K is coming up on March 16th! Please be on the look out for more information coming from our fabulous PTO! Can't wait to see all you Griffins get your RUN on! #LEADlikeaGriffin
Check out the Monday Memo to see what's happening at NDUE this week! #LEADlikeaGriffin
What a celebration of Leadership we had here at NDUE this morning! Thank you to all the family members, district leaders, Red Coats, student leaders, and faculty/staff that made this a success! It’s a great day to be a Griffin! #LEADlikeaGriffin
Buy your NDUE Yearbook here!
Check out our Monday Memo to see what’s happening at NDUE this week!
Our Lighthouse Leaders of the Month enjoyed some donuts in our cafeteria this morning! You earned your treat Griffins!
Come see us tonight at the Griffin Spirit Store!
Mrs. Fontenot’s friends are prepping for the art show at Student Parent Conferences this Thursday from 3:30-6:30 p.m.! We hope to see you there!
Check out the Monday Memo to see what's happening at NDUE this week! #LEADlikeaGriffin
Congrats to our Heart Association Winners and to Officer Freeman for being our Staff Member of the Month! #LEADlikeaGriffin
Thank you to all of the families that came last night to make our Family Habit Night a success! It’s was a great time for all! #LEADlikeaGriffin
There will be no walk-ups for car pickup today due to the weather. Thank you! Have a great afternoon!
Check out this week's Monday Memo to see what's happening at NDUE! #LEADlikeaGriffin
Mr. Burback got out this weekend to support some our Griffin Hoop Stars! Way to go Griffins! #LEADlikeaGriffin
NDUE’s SRO, Officer Freeman, is contributing to our efforts to ensure student safety, our number one priority! Thank you to the Desoto Parish Sheriff’s Department for always making sure our students, faculty, and staff are taken care of! #LEADlikeaGriffin
Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences are coming up February 2nd and 3rd! We have a special event going on the 2nd to honor all of our student artists! See below for details, and mark your calendar! #LEADlikeaGriffin
Check out the Monday Memo to see what's happening at NDUE this week! #LEADlikeaGriffin
We celebrated A.R. Winners this morning in our assembly! Way to read Griffins! #LEADlikeaGriffin
Congrats to Abigail Fleming for having perfect attendance this fall! Her prize was a $25 gift card to sonic! Way to go! #LEADlikeaGriffin